August 2023 Virtual Community Workshop Part 1 + 2

August 3, 2023
Zoom/In-Person - San Luis Obispo
The next VCW is set to be held the
August 3rd (Virtual) + August 5th (In Person)
The goal of our work is to reduce violence and lower recidivism by providing a continuum of care from incarceration through reincorporation into the community. We recognize that “hurt people hurt people,” so we provide support and methods for transformation of the mind, body, and spirit. At this experiential workshop, participants will learn more about the philosophy behind our work and the practical applications of a restorative approach to harm. Participants are required to attend both sessions in order to complete the training.
Please RSVP with the email below!
August 3rd: Virtual
August 5th: In-person
For more information or to sign up, please email